So you started a blog? Awesome! Now, you need a pretty blog name. Don’t know how to come up with a blog name? Let’s get you one.
It may seem not important at first but it is. A blog name reflects your personality. Your blog is going to be known by it.
For example, most of my friends know that I blog at Ekta Swarnkar, that is this blog.
I decided to name my blog Ekta Swarnkar because I wanted it to start building my personal brand.
So, having a great blog name will give you a kickstart.
To tell you how crucial finding a blog name is I decided to write a post.
Therefore, if you are not sure what to name your blog this post will help you.

This post may contain some affiliate links that is I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you that I would use to maintain this blog. Thanks for understanding.
This is something important that you should know.
What Is A Good Blog Name?
I know that you know what’s a good blog name but there’s something that you may not know about it.
A blog name is different from a blog domain name.
A blog name is, you know, the name of your blog but a domain name is the address of your blog.
For example, my domain name is “”
And is the URL of my blog.
If someone enters this on the search bar he is taken to my blog.
You can change the blog display name but a domain name should not be changed.
If you do so, without care, it can break your site.
So, be very sure about the name and domain name of your blog.
It should be something you don’t want to change frequently.
In general, bloggers keep their blog and domain names the same to avoid confusion.
This is also good for your readers to find you.
Let’s discuss how to come up with a good blog name.
3 Things To Know Before Creating A Blog Name
Although these points would not give you the name of your blog they are required in keeping the best ones in the list of blog name ideas.
1- What Is Your Blog Niche?
A blog niche is an important factor in scaling your blog.
A niche in blogging works as a subject of a book.
For example, if you are reading a Mathematics book then its subject is Mathematics and all of its chapters are also sub-topics of Maths.
Similarly, a blog has its subject. For example, a food blog will publish recipes or food-related topics.
I publish blogging and writing tips only on Ekta Swarnkar (I named my blog under my name).
Finding a blog niche will help you categorize your blog into similar blogs so that you have some examples of blog name ideas.
Not having a blog niche is one of those mistakes that beginners make in their first year of blogging.
2- Who Is Your Target Audience?
Just like your blog should have posts on a subject it should be focused on a group of people.
That group is your target audience.
For example, the 4th standard Mathematics book can’t teach you how to solve the problems of 9th standard Maths.
Because it is specifically written for 4th standard kids.
Similarly, in blogging, we have an audience. These are people who are interested in reading what you publish.
For example, a tech lover wouldn’t show equal enthusiasm for a beauty blog.
Determining your target audience will help you find out words they like reading so you can use them on your blog name ideas list.
3- What Is Your Writing Style?
Although this is a bit difficult to know now, thinking about it will help you with coming up with unique blog name ideas.
Don’t stress though. It’s just to have an idea.
For example, if you like to write funny posts then a funny name would be a great option.
Meaning, your blog reflects your personality and so its name.
If you are a happy person your blog should show it.
Think a bit about it and find out your objective.
Download these free blog resources that will surely help you grow your blog.
How To Come Up With A Name For Blog? – The Process
After you have an idea of the above three points it is time to learn how to come up with a blog name.
Here’s a 4 step formula that will help you.
1- Brainstorm All Ideas.
The first step is to take a notepad and pen and pour out all of those ideas that you’ve had for a while.
I’m sure you must have thought of something good.
Take your time and make a list of blog names.
Don’t forget to include your name too. When you can’t find any you can always go with your name.
You may think “should I name my blog after myself?”
Yes, it will help in personal branding.
For example, Neil Patel has named his blog Neil Patel.

Using your name is great when you want to establish yourself as a brand and plan to sell your services.
This way for your clients it would be much easier to find you.
If you want to start a blog and make money using other methods it still works fine.
2- Research Your Competition.
After compiling all the ideas for blog names it is time to do some research.
Remember while finding a blog niche we found similar blogs in your niche.
It is time to observe them closely. Go through each of them and notice their names.
- Is it a single word?
- Have they named it to their names?
- Is it a combination?
- Is it a spelling mistake? (Big brands like Tumblr, Flickr)
This will give you a rough idea of what it should be like.
If you haven’t found any similar websites in your niche it is time to do some more research.
Enter a popular term in your niche (something you will be writing about) and do a Google search.
For example, my niche is blogging so I would type “blog traffic tips”.
Not all of these websites that come up are similar websites in your niche.
Go through these names and add them to your list.
3- Find Keywords.
After the 2nd step, you would have noticed that a few of your competitors use keywords in their blog names.
For example, in the blogging niche, BloggersPassion uses the keyword “blogger” in their blog name.
Similarly, a food blogger would want to use words like
- Kitchen
- Cook
- Pan
- Tray etc.
Therefore, to make your blog name a bit more niche-oriented find out all those keywords you think would help you get a bit creative.
If you need help with this process here’s how my list looked like.
- Blogger
- Blogging
- Seo
- Blog traffic
- And so on.
You can add synonyms or related words. I’ll show you examples below. is a great free tool to find out synonyms.
Around 3 to 4 years ago, using keywords as your blog name (domain name) was a great SEO strategy to rank higher in search engines but it is not now.
Search engines don’t pay much attention to this tactic now.
4- Create A Combination.
Once you have a long list of blog/site name ideas with some keywords it is time to create a combination.
I think that 2 or 3-word names are much better than one-word names.
They are a bit more descriptive as well as creative.
Hence, coming up with a creative blog name is super awesome.
Examples Of Good Ideas Used By Some Bloggers
Here are some ideas you can try along with examples.
1- Social Media Examiner – A blog that focuses on Social Media.

2- Easy Blog Emily – I love this one. Emily creatively combined her name with the keyword “blog”.

3- Make A Living Writing – This blog is run by Carol Tice. She smartly tells her readers that her blog teaches how to become a writer and earn income.

4- Boss Girl Bloggers – Lauren started this blog to teach girl bloggers how to blog. Readers can easily see this.

5- WPBeginner – WP is short for “WordPress” it tells the blog is dedicated to beginners who want to learn WordPress.

6- Mommy On Purpose – Carly started this blog to teach new moms how to become better moms.

7- Simple Pin Media – Kate is a Pinterest strategist and her blog is dedicated to Pinterest tips where she also posts her Podcast episodes. The words “pin” from Pinterest and “media” from Social Media are used smartly.

8- The Indian Girling – Shruti Pangtey started her travel blog to share her tips with her audience.

9- The Penny Hoarder – It publishes finance-related tips. “Penny” is used creatively here. It is a synonym of the coin.

10- Making Sense Of Cents – Michelle Gardener Schroeder started this blog to publish money-making and saving tips. Her blog name is amazing but a little long for a domain name.

4- Use Tools To Find More Creative Blog Names.
Now that you have your list as well as great examples for inspiration it is time to come up with a catchy blog name.
For this, you can use some free blog name generators. Here are my favorites.
These tools will help you find more ideas.
Now go through each item in your list and create some unique blog names.
I know it will take some time but it’s worth it.
Once you have 10 to 15 great names (can be less or more) it is time to find the best one.
Tips To Further Scale Your List Of Great Blog Name Ideas
Take these steps as a test for your ideas. This will help you refine your list to the best one (hopefully).
1- Make Sure It Is Short And Sweet.
Your blog name and domain name should be short so that it is memorable.
2 or 3 words is good but if it is more than 3 then it may not be a good choice.
2- Don’t Use Numbers.
If any of your options have numerical digits remove them because URLs can get messy with numbers.
The best is to use English words.
3- Easy To Pronounce.
Is it easy to pronounce? Both for you and your readers.
4- Don’t Make It Over Fancy.
You don’t want to go with an overly fancy name because it is just the beginning.
Choosing a simple one is beneficial.
5- Use Verbs Or Actionable Terms.
Sometimes using actionable terms can encourage readers to take action.
These sound more energetic.
6- Check Domain Availability.
The domain name that you decided should be available for you to use.
You don’t want to use anyone’s old domain.
Bluehost has a great tool to help you check if the domain is available for you or not.
7- Check Trademarks.
Once you checked that the domain is available it is also good to check if it is free from trademarks.
Here’s a tool to check it for free.
9- Make Sure It Is Brandable.
Once you have followed the above step you would have a few great options.
Now is your turn to trust your instincts.
Finalize a blog name that is
- Brandable.
- Reflects your personality.
- And the most important you like.
Because at the end of the day, it is something that you want to have.
Once you have your blog name you can go ahead and create your logo on Canva.
So this is how to come up with a creative blog name.
I hope you have found your blog name. If you didn’t like any of the options you can always go with your name.
I could share with you a list of blog website name ideas but I didn’t. Because I wanted you to do it.
This has helped you find other blogs so if you are stuck anywhere you can look for inspiration.
Now you are all set to start a blog.
If you follow my guide on how to start a blog you will get a free domain name and other stuff.
I have told you step by step how to get the free stuff.
I hope you found this post helpful. Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Or why not subscribe to my newsletter and get blogging and writing tips straight to your inbox every week?

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This post is really insightful, it will really give a sense of direction to many up-coming bloggers who are finding it hard to name their blog. Really enjoyed reading it.
Thanks Musa, I’m glad you liked it.
Thanks for providing all this wonderful information, great ideas/examples, and useful tools for choosing a blog name. I love the name you chose for your blog.
Thanks Allison.
Your post is super helpful. I know when it comes to blogging, it can be super hard to come up with a blog name. I’ll admit I had the same issue right when I began.
Everyone has to go through this Amber. Thanks for your comment.
For me, the worst part of a new project is coming up with a name! And even now I still struggle with blog post titles…. thank you for sharing these tips for blog naming- it’s a tricky business x
Thanks Eleanor! I’ve also struggled for a long to write good blog titles. Now, I don’t worry too much and just go with the one that I like the most.
Whoever wants to start a blog should read this article Hands down .. You made it so easy and simple
Isn’t it an easy task Marilyn? I think we make it complicated because we want it to be perfect.
This is a really helpful and useful post to new bloggers! I came up with my blog name 8 years ago and it has just stuck as part of my identity x
So glad to hear that you have been blogging for 8 years. Yes, blog name stays with you as an identity.
I love these tips! I didn’t even know about the name generators you mentioned and they would be great to even find name ideas for your blog. The examples are great too because I learn by example so these are very helpful to find the best name for a blog.
Thanks for reading Heather. I really appreciate your time.
Really awesome and informative post. Naming a blog is really important and also a great ways to intrigue an audience. In the future I may start a new blog and I will be looking to this post for inspiration in naming it.
Absolutely right Shyla, a blog name also reflects your personality. Thanks for stopping by.
This post has been super helpful. I created a blog with a catchy yet original name almost 5 years ago. I’m thinking of changing it to my name instead.
You are right Layla! I often have thoughts of changing my blog name. Maybe because I am always thinking about updating things.
This is a great post. It looks like you hit on all of the right points.
Of course, the answer to “should I name my blog after myself?” can be a bit more complicated. You may not want your personal brand to be the same as your blog brand.
You may want to hire other people to write for your blog in the future. Or, you may want to start multiple blogs. You may even want to sell your blog some day. However, for most people a blog with their name in it is the easiest, safest choice.
I will hit the share button because this post covers everything I can think of regarding naming a blog.
Thanks for bringing this point. I was sure that using your name for your blog but I want to try blog flipping in future.
Really enjoyed your post. Blog name is crucial to the success of any blog. And with the right blog name, you are sure of becoming a successful blogger ❤
Right, an awesome blog name is a great start.
Enlightening post! Clear and simple guide to come up with a ‘perfect’ blog name.
Thanks Ira. I’m glad you liked it.
This post will be very helpful to beginner bloggers who are just getting started. Picking a name is such a fun part but also nerve wracking because you have to stick with it to create a brand for yourself. Thanks for sharing your tips.
You are right. It should be as good as you would want to own it after years.
This is great tips for beginners. I remember when I was coming up with my blog name I was a little unsure of what my niche was. Once I new what my niche was I a had to really think about a name that represented me and my brand.
You are absolutely right. Your blog name is a great way to showcase your niche.
Thanks for the info!
Really great post, some wonderful tips that were sure will help up and coming bloggers, great job, well set out and linked too.
I’m glad you liked it.