With search engines evolving every day, is finding keywords still relevant? Can you rank on Google without using keywords? If yes, then why is keyword research important for SEO? There used to be days when using a keyword several times in a content piece would rank it...
9 Best SEO Courses to Learn SEO for FREE in 2023
If you can apply SEO correctly, you can drive high-quality, free organic traffic to your website. But isn’t SEO difficult? No, it’s not. In fact, just by using beginner SEO tips, you can see results. So to get you started, here are the best SEO courses for...
How to Check your Competitors’ Keywords: 3 Simple Methods
Do you know the best keywords to target are your competitors' keywords? So, how to check your competitors' keywords? Or how to find keywords used by them? I've been doing this for a while. Finding and targeting my competitors' keywords. And it's been a good...
How to Optimize your Blog Post for SEO: 15 Tips Checklist
The best way to drive long term, targeted, and high quality traffic is to rank SEO optimized blog posts on Google. So, is SEO hard? If not, then how to optimize your blog post for SEO? Optimizing blog posts for SEO is not hard. In fact, it’s easy if you know...
How To Brainstorm Blog Post Ideas For SEO Content Strategy (13 Proven Ways)
As a blogger, the one thing you'll be doing for a long time is publishing new blog posts. For that, you'll need to find blog post ideas. So, how to brainstorm blog post ideas? The best way to avoid writer's block and constantly publish great content is to have a...
11 Top Adsense Alternatives for Low Traffic Blogs or Small Websites
It hurts when after finally getting Google Adsense approval you find out that it is not the best option. That many Adsense alternatives get better results. So, you should make a shift. How? Here are those top Adsense alternatives for low traffic blogs to pick from to...
How To Set Up A Domain Email With Bluehost For Free?
Yes, you can create and use a custom domain email on Bluehost for free. Want to learn how to set up a domain email with Bluehost? You need to follow these quick steps. Finding the option to create free custom domain emails on the Bluehost dashboard is a bit hard. It...
How Much Does It Cost To Create A Blog Website On WordPress?
Is the question “how much does it cost to create a blog website” worrying you? Blogging for fun and blogging for business are two different things. For fun, you don't need to invest anything. But if you are blogging to make a living then you should know the answer....
11 Best AppSumo Lifetime Deals For Bloggers & Writers
Are you looking for writing and blogging tools to simplify blogging? Do you know where you can get them and save money? That’s right, AppSumo. Here are all of the best AppSumo lifetime deals for bloggers and writers to get their favorite tools at impressive prices....
Is It Worth Starting A Blog In 2022 & How To Create One?
Are you wondering should you start a blog? Or is it already late? Is it worth starting a blog in 2022? In one word, yes, it is worth starting a blog in 2022 and you should do it. Want to know why? This post has all your answers. Whether it’s your deepest desire that...