
Everything You Need To Start A Money Making Blog

Hi, welcome here. Want to start a blog? Or looking to grow your blog?

Whether you want to start a blog or looking for some help to grow your blog you are in the right place. 

This page contains everything you need to grow as a blogger. 

And obviously, you can’t finish it in one day. It is a step by step approach that you can follow based on your speed. So make sure you bookmark it for future reference. 

And download these free blogging resources that I created for you. 


I have divided it into sections and included resources so you can easily navigate to them. 

Starting A New Blog 

Start a blog

1- Here are two guides on starting a blog. 

2- Finding A blog niche is extremely important. It will help you grow your blog easily. 

3- Then, you must know your target audience. The exact person you are writing your posts for. 

Web Hosting

Picking the right web hosting is very important. That’s why I have given a separate section to this. 

Make sure you follow it step by step. 

WordPress Blog Theme

Just like web hosting, blog themes are also important. So here’s how to approach it step by step. 

4- Additional Sources

Blog Writing Tips 

Blog writing

1- To effectively grow your blog you need to formulate a content strategy. 

Here are some sources that will help you. 

2- Then you need some blog post ideas to include in your strategy. Download these 150+ blog post ideas so you have one year’s worth of content. 

3- After creating a blog plan you should write captivating content to win your readers and make them want to come back. 

Writing Great Blog Posts

Here’s a step by step process to follow. 

1- Choose which type of blog post you want to write. 

2- Outline the structure of the blog post. 

3- Craft a great headline. 

4- Follow one of these posts to write your blog post. 

If you don’t have time to write blogs yourself then I can help. Check my copywriting services to know more. 

4- Additional Sources – 

After you have written awesome blog content it’s time to get people to read it. So you need blog traffic. 

Grow Blog Traffic 

grow blog traffic

Getting blog traffic is important (not too much) but still required. So don’t obsess over it. But sure follow these tips to get some eyeballs. 

Over time people will come automatically but in the beginning, you need to promote your blog to get it seen by people. 

Here are so many actionable tips I have tried to get traffic to my blog. 

Guest Blogging For Backlinks

You will also want to build backlinks to get organic traffic. For me, the best way to build them was guest blogging. So I recommend guest blogging to others too. 

Pinterest For Blog Traffic

Pinterest is a goldmine for bloggers. It can help you get great amounts of traffic if you learn how to use it strategically. 

My Pinterest worked great when I started but then the algorithm change killed my traffic, I’ve been learning ever since. 

To help you start with Pinterest I’ve written a blog series based on the tips that are working. 

These posts are actually step by step. Make sure you check them out. 

Creating viral pins takes time, it requires practice. To get you started, I have some of my great performing Pinterest pins collected. Check them here.

Psst, I’m taking a new course and am applying its strategies. Let’s see how it goes and then I’ll tell you about it. 

SEO – Search Engine Optimization 

SEO is absolutely important. You just can’t ignore it. It is slow but it will get you results. 

SEO will help you get traffic from Google. 

So you should focus on SEO from day 1. 

This way, you don’t have to make changes every time. And it is also easy. 

After you start getting the traffic it’s time you start monetizing your blog. So you start making money blogging. 

Make Money Blogging

make money blogging

Honestly, making money blogging isn’t the hardest part of it. I say it confidently because there are many ways to earn money. 

So if one way didn’t work out for you then you can always try another. 

And you will also be learning more ways. 

So here are 8 easy monetization methods for new bloggers and these are also the best. 

I recommend you start with 2 or 3 methods. Here are some helpful posts.

Then all you need is to get more visitors to your blog and keep growing your income.


Here are some WordPress related technical posts that might help you. 

Additional Blogging Resources 

Here are some additional blogging related posts that might help you. 

For doing all of this you need to stay motivated. That’s why I have collected together my best productivity tips here.

Finally, here is my blog resource library in which I have collected the best blog tools (that have helped me grow my blog) so you don’t have to struggle with searching for the best tools. 

So this was all about blogging and growing. I hope you found something useful. 

Of course, I’ll be adding more posts to it. So keep checking it. 

And here is a free blog planner that I created and use for myself, also, if you want to receive free and awesome blogging tips and resources then you’re also signing up for my newsletter. 


So, I tried my best to make sure everything is covered. But still, if I have left anything then use this contact form to let your questions come to me.

I’ll do my best to direct you to a source or create something myself. Don’t forget to bookmark.

I hope you liked it.


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